VIN has been receiving group volunteers since last two years. In 2013, VIN received two groups of volunteer from Korea in July. The organization from Korea called Better world sent 21 volunteers for one project from children development program in jitpurphedi VDC. We received this group volunteer on 18th of July, 2014.
We placed the volunteers to the host family and organized the induction for them on 19th of July, 2014. We schedule the induction for one day which had sessions like VIN’s Introduction, Health tips, Program Orientation, cultural tips and few language tips. Along with the induction session, VIN will also organize sightseeing for them. They will work for two weeks at community.
The volunteers seem very interested in learning new culture and language. They were also very keen to learn more about VIN’s projects. They showed their all interest and very enthusiastic during the induction. We also organized small games as a break in between the sessions in order to refresh them. They will start their work from Sunday. Their major activities will be School infrastructure development and teaching. They will be constructing walls and fences in the school, painting the classes and teaching the kids as well. We wish them all the best for their stay at Nepal.
If these types of activities and projects appeal you and want to join us with group of friends, colleagues, relatives or family, join our group volunteering program now!!