Are you looking for a trusted local volunteer organization with the most affordable program fees? For €95 per week, join our rewarding volunteering opportunities. Yes, that’s correct, from the 5th week, you will only pay €95 per week. Choose from a wide range of volunteering and internship projects.

VIN is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization entirely dependent upon the resources of our volunteers and supporters.

VIN’s primary goal is to empower marginalized communities in Nepal through mid to long-term volunteering projects. Our approach is consistent and sustainable and aims to use our resources efficiently. At the same time, our volunteers provide their time, expertise and financial resources to fund our operations. The VIN’s team works hard to ensure that our community programs run continuously and that our volunteers provide a well-organized and guided experience that is enriching for all concerned.

Without the program fees you pay, VIN could not sustain the platform upon which our project works and the support that we provide to volunteers and interns are based.

VIN is a Nepal-based, Nepalese-run non-profit organization. We are not an agency; we place volunteers in our sustainable programs. All our paid staff are Nepalese. They are paid reasonable salaries by Nepali standards. However, this accounts for very little of our overall costs. All of your program fees go directly to either fund your time in Nepal, including transport, food, accommodation, induction, or towards funding our community programs.

At VIN, we work hard to continue to work efficiently, ensuring that our program fees remain affordable for our volunteers and interns and our community work continues to be consistent and effective.

50% off the volunteer program fee for Nepalese citizens who live abroad (NRN – Non-resident Nepalese) and want to volunteer in Nepal with VIN.

VIN is a hosting organization collaborating with partners globally. In instances where we have established partner organizations in the volunteer’s country, their application will be redirected accordingly for further processing.

Program Booking Fee: €150 – is a non-refundable fee which covers processing your application and pre-departure support and is not deductible from program fees.
Program Duration in Weeks / Program Fees in Euro (€)
S.NProgram Type234681012Each additional week
3Volunteer & Charity Trekking5 weeks volunteering & Trekking  EBC/ABC Charity Trekking 1775
4Volunteering & Travel Tour4 weeks volunteering and weekend (4 nights 6 days) travel tour 970
5Buddhist Monastery placements are available 4 + weeks only​If you choose multiple projects, an 100 extra fee will be added to each project to cover logistic support.
6Medical, monastery, elderly care and construction placement will cost 100 EUR Extra
7Placements out of Kathmandu Valley: Okhaldhunga (250KM) will cost 200; Sindhuli (150KM) 150; Jarsing Pauwa – 2way (66KM) 50; and Nuwakot (35KM) will cost 50 extra for a return reserved Jeep transportation. ​The costs are based on the average shared fare with two or more volunteers.
Program Duration in Weeks / Program Fees in USD ($)
S.NProgram Type234681012Each additional week
3Volunteer & Charity Trekking3 weeks volunteering & 12 days Charity Trekking 2130
4Volunteering & Travel Tour4 weeks volunteering and weekend (3 nights 5 days) travel tour 1165
5Buddhist Monastery placements are available 4 + weeks​If you choose multiple projects/Sites, a 120 USD extra fee will be added to each project to cover logistic support.
6Medical, monastery, elderly care and construction placement will cost 120 USD Extra
7Placements out of Kathmandu Valley: Okhaldhunga (250KM) will cost $240; Sindhuli (150KM) $180; Jarsing Pauwa – 2way (66KM) $60; and Nuwakot (35KM) will cost $60 extra for a return reserved Jeep transportation. ​The costs are based on the average shared fare with two or more volunteers.

Please read the following information carefully before you book your position:

  • European Volunteers: Program fees will continue to be charged in Euros (€) if their country uses EUR as their currency.
  • Volunteers from Non-European Countries and European countries which do not use EUR: Program fees will be charged in USD ($) to keep payment straightforward and consistent.
  • The program costs are reviewed end of every year to adjust the inflation rates. Convert costs into your currency Click here.
  • To book a volunteer/internship placement with us, you should pay €150 using PayPal Click here online or bank transfer as stated below. This amount is for processing your application; pre-departure support and ensures your arrival at VIN and NOT deductible from program fees. We only accept payment once you are accepted for the program.
  • You may contact us for customized group Volunteering & program fee – based on your need.
  • If you wish to work for more than one placement (project/site), then you are required to pay €80 extra to cover our extra logistic work.
  • Program Induction (Please watch our Program Induction Video, click here to learn what to expect): 2 start dates are usually available each month. We start program induction 1st and 15th of each month. It varies from 1 to 3 days or even a week depending on program duration and nature of the work. The induction period is considered part of your volunteering/internship program period. If you wish to come in between for a short period, you will receive a basic orientation before the placement. Please arrive one day prior to the program induction date.
  • Please read VIN’s online “Terms and Conditions“ before you confirm your placement.
  • We may pay in advance by wire transfer or cash on arrival. If you wish to pay by Paypal, there will be 5.5% extra cost to cover PayPal transactions and bank transfer fees. We accept Nepali Rupees, Euros, US, GBP, Canadian, Singapore, and HK dollars.

The program fee covers:

1) Transportation

  • Airport picks up by VIN staff with Nepali culture.
  • Pick up from hotel to VIN office.
  • Hostel/hotel to project site on the first day.
  • From the project site to VIN office / Hotel on the last day on the exit day;
  • If your project site is more than 10 KM from Kathmandu ring roads like Okhaldhunga (250km) or Okharpouwa (35km), then it will cost extra transportation. Due to unstable petroleum prices, transportation cost is unpredictable. So don’t hesitate to get in touch with our staff for the actual cost at the time of booking your placement.

2) Program Induction / On Arrival Orientation

  • A presentation about VIN (story, strategies, success and failure stories, finances), Nepali history, politics, economy, and social issues.
  • Survival Nepali language phrases; 2 hours each day during the induction.
  • Nepali culture & Do’s & Don’ts.
  • Health, safety and security tips.
  • Program-related orientation, e.g. teaching /TEFL tips, women’s empowerment, construction, environment.
  • Half-day sightseeing of world heritage sites, e.g. Patan Darbar Square, Pashupatinath / Baudhanath Stupa.
  • Stationary & handouts of the presentations.
  • Safe travel, trekking, and adventure assistance.

3) Food & Accommodation

  • Food & accommodation at VIN’s hostel or a budget hotel on a same-gender sharing basis. 
  • Food & accommodation during placement with a host family/hostel/monastery -depending on your program.
  • The living condition will be of Nepali standard – 3 meals provided.

4) Administrative Cost

  • Staff salaries.
  • Office rent & office supplies.
  • Regular mentoring & follow-up support in-person visits and by phone, WhatsApp, and email.
  • Meeting & socialising with volunteers & interns from different countries.
  • 24/7 emergency support.
  • Free wireless internet at our office.
  • Communications like Internet & phone, emails.
  • Online offline volunteer program promotions.
  • Administrative charge.
  • Government taxes & membership fees.

5) Community Project Funding

  • Women’s empowerment: 300+ women’s clubs, women’s cooperatives, income generative projects, education & life skills
  • Children’s Development: 55+ Early childhood development centres, 50 children’s clubs, children’s education support, libraries, school infrastructure development
  • Public Health & Medical Care: Lab, medicine, mobile clinics, school health and 3000+ toilets constructed for poor families. Over 20000 people from the most marginalized communities have benefitted from our free medical check-ups and treatment by professional doctors in the past.
  • Youth empowerment: Youth clubs and their activities to empower local youth.
  • Environment conservation: Permaculture, Agroforestry, farming, plantation, research etc.
  • Disaster Risk Reduction: Reconstruction support for poor families, Community centres
  • Project staff salaries
  • Support for local volunteers

The program fee excludes the following:

  • Airfare, Visa and Visa extension fee – Tourist VISA fee in US$: 15 days – US$30, 30 days – US$50, 90 days -US$125 Per additional day:- US$3. Check the Nepal Immigration site for more info.
  • Stationery during volunteering period if you wish to use abutment.
  • Return transfer to airport $10- $15 – We can help you to drop you off at the airport if you need help.
  • Transportation during weekends travel.
  • Entrance fees to the cultural Heritage – main cultural sites;
  • Personal travel and sightseeing (trekking, jungle safari etc. If you are interested VIN can organize for you at affordable fees).
  • Laundry, internet access, telephone, drinks or other costs accrued during training and placement.
  • Gifts to project staff and host family if you wish to buy any.
  • Should you wish to spend more time in Kathmandu during pre and post-placement periods, please remember to budget accordingly.
  • Travel and medical insurances, immunization, health expenses.
  • You will also need a weekly budget of up to the US $20 to cater for all your other expenses like extra nutrition, bottled water etc.

Please use the following bank address to send money for VIN:

Account Name: Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN)
Account Number: 0191 5196068
Bank Name: Siddhartha Bank
Ward No 15, Swoyambhu, HallChowk,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
TEL: 01-4033606 / 4033607


Account Name: Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN)
Account Number: 02000501209578
Bank Name: Everest Bank Limited
Balaju, Kathmandu, Nepal

Remember: If you wish to pay using Paypal, then you should pay 5.5% extra for Paypal fees and transfer charges and you are required to cover the wire transfer fees if you transfer to our above bank account.

Note: Once you start your placement if you wish to discontinue the project for any reason, the program fee you pay is not refundable.

VIN is solely funded through the volunteer program fees paid by volunteers and interns like yourself. VIN does not receive any public funding. Independent donations are welcomed and will be applied toward various projects established by VIN. If you are interested in providing a donation, please use our online DONATE NOW button.

Thank you for reading and understanding! See you soon in Nepal


Your Experience/Setting

On arrival you will be greeted at Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) and transported to your hotel / hostel (alternative arrangements can be made for those already in Nepal prior to the start of their placement). You will then receive a comprehensive a two to three-day induction, during that time you will be provided with information about your particular project as well as general information, including basic Nepalese language and culture, health and safety. This is also a good time to mix with other volunteers or interns who may be great sight-seeing companions and a source of support during your volunteer placement.

During the induction you will be accommodated in a budget hotel or hostel at VIN. However, a large part of the VIN experience comes from the immersion of a

home stay with a Nepalese host family. While this is an essential part of the experience we also recognize that it can be a challenging one, becoming part of a new culture and becoming accustomed to facilities that will be more basic than those you are used to. However, all our host families are experienced in accommodating volunteers – although their ability to speak English will vary – and you will have 24 hours’ access to contact and support from our staff members during your placement.

Volunteers will be placed in one of VIN’s working areas namely Tarakeshor Municipality of Kathmandu, Taluwa, Thulachhap and Bhadaure of Okhaldhunga, and Okharpouwa, Kaule of Nuwakot district. While at the working site the volunteers are requested to bring their own lunch, water bottle, safety gears, face mask and other essential belongings. As a volunteer you are advised to be in a comfortable and modest attire with preferably long sleeves. If you wish to raise project funds or collect project specific resources, you may contact us.


  • Gender: Female / Male
  • Minimum Age: 18+ years (16-17 years old person can volunteer but need to present parents’ consent letter)
  • Language: English (Intermediate)
  • Educational: High School Graduate

Schedule and Commitment

You will work five to six days a week, up to six hours per day. You may propose your preferred time and hours; however, the working time period will be dependent on the institution you have been placed. A minimum of 2 weeks’ time commitment is expected of a volunteer. The longer you commit, the better impact you can make. You should be willing to commit a certain amount of your free time and energy, show a lot of commitment and be a good listener. You are expected to work constructively and co-operatively maintaining good reputation and standards at all times. Volunteer should abide by relevant security concerns and access procedures. Moreover, you should be receptive and positive to performance appraisal, advice and feedback. Throughout your placement you will have the full support of VIN. Your safety is our highest priority.

Mentoring and Support System

You will receive a clear and concise on-the-job instructions, course of action, context of work and policies/strategies before your placement begins. You will be

provided with ample of guidance and support throughout the placement with trainings / onboarding sessions incase necessary. You will be in a constant communication and regular check-in with the VIN volunteer coordinator. VIN aims to maintain a culture of continuous feedback between the volunteer supervisor at the placement to monitor the performance of the volunteer and ensure the project delivers desired outcomes.

In case of an emergency, you may contact one of our Volunteer Coordinators who will be available anytime for your assistance and support.

Time and Fees

Mid and Long Term Volunteers:
  • 2 weeks minimum stay- € 385
  • 3 weeks – 470€
  • 4 weeks – 555€ (after 4 weeks for each additional week we charge €75)
University Internships:
  • 4 weeks minimum stay- € 615 (for each additional week we charge €85)

What VIN offers you in return?

  • On Arrival orientation (two to three days)
  • Food and Accommodation during on arrival orientation at VIN’s hostel / budget hotel on sharing basis
  • Food and Accommodation during Placement: Nepali Standard local host family – 3 meals a day
  • Transportation: Airport pick up; one time transport to and from the project site
  • Local volunteers’ support cost (optional)
  • VIN T-shirt
  • Certificate of participation
  • 24 hours emergency support
  • VIN admin cost.

What is excluded? Airfare, VISA (, vaccinations, travel & medical insurance, return airport transfer, personal travel and weekend activities expenses etc.

Desirable/ Common Skills 

  • Excellent communicator with good interpersonal skills
  • A team player with good work ethics
  • Time management and leadership qualities
  • Adaptable, flexible and able to work under pressure
  • Accepting of different ideas and culture
  • Problem solving: always be part of solutions than part of a problem
  • Creative