Get Involved in Volunteering with it’s mission
VIN is truly committed to working towards its mission to empower disadvantaged and marginalized people in Nepal’s most marginalized communities and get involved in volunteering with VIN.
VIN has been implementing its holistic approach of community empowerment on the outskirts of Kathmandu, Okhaldhunga, and also expanding and reaching out to help other rural communities find sustainable and practical solutions to their developmental issues.
Get Involved in Volunteering with VIN!
This, however, can only be achieved through the continued generosity of people offering their time and experience; from donations either monetary or resources, and the much-needed sponsorship of some of the most disadvantaged and destitute children. There are many ways to get involved with us. Get Involved in Volunteering Opportunities with VIN.
Fundraising is a great way to get involved into our project. You may choose a project under women's empowerment, children's development, youth empowerment, environment conservation, public health & medical care and Disaster Risk Reduction. Set a fundraiser target and start crowdfunding or any other events. We will support you by providing the necessary data and information you need to motivate people. VIN will implement the project and report you to report the donors.
Fellowships and staff exchanges
Fellowships and staff exchanges are a great way to learn different working cultures, different working technologies, methodologies and support each other. VIN welcomes schools, universities, companies and foundations to partner with us and send their staff, teachers, professionals to volunteers with us in our community support projects. Your staff can use their vacation time to learn something great and impact the communities in need. Contact us today.
If you represent a company, organisation, foundation, university etc., you may partner with us by sharing knowledge and resources or funding. You may also choose a project of your interest that VIN is currently running. We have partners worldwide, mainly as volunteer sending organisations. We need more partners who can sponsor our projects and help execute them sustainably. VIN always updates and reports its partners on a timely basis.Click here to contact us for partnership building.
VIN has 50+ projects to address issues on gender, children, environment, public health, youth, disaster risk reduction and economy. Are you looking for a travelling adventure, a challenge and a meaningful experience to enrich your life and the lives of those in some of the poorest and most disadvantaged communities in the world? VIN can offer you exactly that kind of experience whether you come from abroad or from Nepal itself. Your small contribution can make a big difference to the development of entire communities. Over 5000 Nepalese and international volunteers already participated on our projects and made a huge difference in thousands of people. Choose any project best suited on your interest, skills and experiences.
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Sponsor a Child
Thousands of children are still missing education because their parents cannot afford school resources, uniforms, lunch etc. Our idea is that no child should be left behind. Hundreds of children have already benefitted from this project. We aim to support 500 more children from the most marginalized communities – priority is given to orphans, children of single mothers, conflict victims, Dalit and the poorest of the poor. Once we start sponsoring a child’s education, we will continue until they complete their 12 years of schooling.230 EUR per year provides a child all school supplies, uniforms, tuition fees, medical emergency. Children most in need of sponsorship are identified in conjunction with the school Head teachers; municipals / ward chairpersons and a community representative.As a sponsor, you will receive 2 to 3 communications, updates of the child from VIN.
There are various ways to promote a cause of an organization, like writing articles on the issues VIN is working on, mentioning VIN on your paper and blogs, organizing events, giving presentations. You may also write testimonials and success stories if you have already worked with us.You may also promote VIN amongst your friends, families, and your community to raise awareness about the issues in Nepal and the work that VIN is doing to improve the lives of Nepali people. This will help VIN’s visibility, and we will be able to reach out to a broader audience. You can promote VIN by doing the following:Like us on the Facebook page Join us on Facebook Group Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Connect with us on LinkedInAny Questions?Call Us on our landline +977 143 625 60Text us via Viber, WhatsApp, Emo +9779851070477
VIN does not have any regular funding sources. We are not funded by the state either. We run our projects through the generosity of donors like yourself, volunteers and sponsors. You may click here to DONATE now. Any $$ will help us achieve our goal of empowering communities. Choose any project you like to donate to. We will send you a report once the project is done.