Our two motivated volunteers Kristy Cassie (Climate Change research volunteer) and Cloé Pourchier (Water research volunteer) worked together to help the community in need. Though from the diverse projects they researched and work together. As per the initial research they found drought as a major challenge resulted from the climate change in JitpurPhedi. It seemed relevant to combine the Water Research Project and the Climate Change Project in order to focus on irrigation as a key to develop a sustainable agriculture system within the Jitpur community. Indeed irrigation will allow intensification and diversification of crops, increasing the family overall output and thus prosperity. Also it is seen as adaptation technique to Climate Change.
After different researches the idea of plastic ponds seemed to be the most adapted solution for them. Indeed, the low cost and the easiness of its construction and maintenance makes its implementation within the Jitpur community very relevant. Focus groups were then organized in order to educate people about plastic ponds.
They organized Plastic Pond Focus group discussion on the 2nd and 3rd December in Thumke, Jitpurphedi. The aim of the focus groups was to educate farmers on the use of plastic ponds for irrigation, and to find potential candidates for the construction of one. A plastic pond allows for all year round agricultural growth, farmers are able to intensify and diversify their crops, increasing their output and thus increasing their potential prosperity.
In total, four focus groups were organized in the ward 8 (old 6) around the village of Thumki. They were made up of roughly 10 local famers per group- all women. Also, a total of 40 women have been following those classes and are actually aware of the project of implementing plastic ponds in the Jitpur
Community. The presentation was designed and made by Cloé and Kirsty, with the help of local volunteers to translate. Posters and a manual, which have been previously made by the volunteers, were used as a base to present the different ideas. The women were all extremely positive and engaged, several had already heard of the concept. All the women were excited about the idea and they wanted their own ponds, however, only a couple of them had land suitable (flat, large, high area) with a reliable source of water. There was an obvious need for a practical demonstration for the farmers to see and understand the concept first hand. Moreover, a practical demonstration will provide the skills to the farmers and allow them to be independent if they wanted to build a pond on their own.
Also as a result of the focus group, a family has been selected to implement the first plastic pond- this pond was also used as the demonstration pond. It was agreed that the family was providing tools and the plastic sheets while VIN will provide the skilled labor force. The whole process of construction took about 3 days and went on without any problems.VIN is very thankful for their dedication to help the community people in need.
Also check our environment conservation programs.