Fanny and Kathy are volunteers helping a local group protect their water supply their spring provides water to over 16 households and was damaged in a landside after some of the tress on the hill above were cut down.
It is appropriate and exciting that this project began on international water day: March 22, 2015. In the us where I live, we no longer have a true appreciation for clean water, we simply open the tap and it is there, we don’t often think about where the water come from, how it is treated, or how difficult basic daily task are without it. I feel privileged to be here in beautiful Nepal, helping to bring clean water to people. Our first two days of work have focused on excavating the site to protect the spring and provide space for a new brick and cement water tank; and helping the brick and sand needed for the tank from the road to the work site.
Fanny and Kathy have been working with a large group of villagers who are committed to this project. Each day 10-20 villagers participate in the work in addition to two local volunteers and VIN staff. While fanny and Kathy are providing some labor assistance, the truth is the villagers are much more efficient at the work than we are they are stronger, dedicated and simply better at the work. I see fanny and Kathy helping to create an event that brings people out and providing some comic relief. The villagers have laughed mercilessly at us as we ask for lighter load; navigate the very narrow and steep paths; use tools we are not familiar with such as the pick-are and the shovel/scoop tool; and try desperately to understand the conversations going on around us. As an engineer in America I spend my days working long hours to make life easier for people that already have it very easy. I call it solving on ‘’first world problems’’ but it is important to remembers that everyone is not so lucky.
It is great to be able to be a small part of this project to bring clean water to people who will truly benefits appreciate VIN providing this opportunity.
As a side note, I would also like to take a minute to acknowledge the hard work VIN staff has done to create to create a strong bond /connection with the community this is truly a joint project that the community ownership of which is critical to the on-going success of the project .