Joanne Gibson Volunteered with VIN as a content writer / editor for a month in September, 2013.
Role as VIN Ambassador UK: she is responsible to act as a point of contact for potential volunteers, other organizations and stakeholders. She will be representing VIN for international meetings, seminars, career fairs, talks etc. She will also be responsible for VIN promotion and development of networks in the UK.
TRAVEL: In 2012 she felt very lucky for having a year off work. During this time she spends five months snowboarding in France, travelled for three months in South East Asia, paid a fleeting visit to Australia and her two months in Nepal were the perfect end to her trip.
HOBBIES: she reads a lot and I likes to write. She keeps herself active and fit through running, swimming and cycling, or enjoying a slightly less conventional sport, such as snowboarding or inline skating.
She likes to combine all these things; skating or cycling in different parts of the world and write about it.
EMPLOYMENT: Claims Inspector for a British national insurer