Eric Vreman had volunteered as volunteer coordinator in Volunteers Initiative Nepal (VIN). While he was in the field for the follow up of other volunteers of VIN, some volunteers told him that they were going to organize dental hygiene program for the children. However, the problem was there was no toothbrush for children and they had no clue on how to collect the required number of toothbrush. Eric decided to help them and talked to his daughter Rhea Kovacs regarding the issue.
Rhea is currently working at Disneyland, Sanghai, China. She wanted to contribute toothbrush for the dental hygiene program. So, in coordination with her coworkers- Elizabeth, Anna, Emily, Holly and Josh, she managed to collect toothbrush. Together, they managed to collect more than 500 toothbrushes. As she collected the toothbrushes, she came to Nepal, to VIN, to handover the them.
VIN is conducting Dental Hygiene Program for the school children. The program will be organized in Kavresthali. The program aims to improve the dental hygiene of the children. VIN with the help of its health volunteers, will teach the children about how to brush teeth in a better way. Further, they will also teach the children on how they can maintain their dental health. As the program concludes, VIN will be distributing the toothbrush donated by Rhea and her friends for the children.
Rhea is happy about how she could contribute the toothbrush to VIN. She mentioned:
“We are so happy to help in this way and we are so pleased with the dedication of VIN to helping the people of Nepal. Keep up the great work!”