Education is the key factor for women empowerment, prosperity, development, and welfare. Discrimination of women from the womb to tomb is well known. There is continued inequality and Vulnerability of women in all sectors and women oppressed in all spheres of life, they need to be empowered in all walks of life.
We are working with the aim to educate women by giving them a Basic English class under VIN’s women’s empowerment program. With this purpose we( VIN staff and me) are working for community women, collaborating with a national and international volunteer during May 2019 for the women of Goldhunga. Women there looked very excited and show their eagerness to learn. They are keeping aside everything; contributing their 2-3 hours’ time of learning, the age of women 40 to 60 years old. This becomes a motivation for us so we could give our best to teach them.
It’s amazing to teach women who choose to learn despite their busy schedules. In the class we used different teaching techniques like discussion, homework, verbal speak, demonstration real thing, drawing things and reading. Women gave positive feedback about English class. Now they can say the vegetable’s name, fruit’s name, animal’s name, kitchen words, introducing themselves, relationship words, etc. These women want to learn more new vocabulary of fruits, animals and daily conversation words. They are happy from VIN and volunteers to have given the opportunity of learning English in their own community.