7th march , 2014 – Education and Life Skill training to women of different groups in Jitpurphedi was continued in this week too. VIN, who organized the training of Leadership , self esteem and Women right , Domestic violence since 10th February got continuation this 4th week too. With the help of International Volunteer VIN conducted classes in Pachmane and Ramghat of Jitpurphedi, Kathmandu.
This week there are altogether 26 women from different areas. Due to large participation of women in Pachmane VIN conducted 2 classes there. The main objective of this training is to encourage women to be leader and to let them know about the women right and how to protect from Domestic Violence. Life Skill Training was conducted from Monday to wednesday , two hours per day. The whole Programme is conducted in two parts one is Leadership and self esteem development and other is class of Women Right and Domestic Violence. Lili, one of the international volunteer gave a lesson in Leadership and Self esteem and Women Right and Domestic violence. The main Focus of the lesson is how to build leadership, how to develop leadership skill, for being a leader what kind of qualities should be there. She explained this topic by discussing, interacting and also by engaging them into a play so that women would understand about the value of Leadership.
The other is part of this training is of Women Right and Domestic Violence . The main Focus of this class is about the women rights, universal practice of women right, practices of women right in Nepal, meaning of domestic violence, how to protect from domestic violence, etc. This class has also been conducted by interacting and discussing with women . From this training, women become well known about the women rights that have been declared universally.
Trained women are directly involved in role play, discussion, interaction on leadership development, domestic violence and women right etc. They became very happy because they got to learn about these things. Women were glad to know useful information in very short period. Most of Women said that they were very much happy to learn about Women Right. Besides this, Domestic Violence also became an interesting topic for them. They were glad that through the lesson, they were able to show the way to the victim of Domestic Violence. Many women requested to continue this type of lesson further and need to learn more about women education.
Till now VIN had successfully conducted training in Thulagaun , aapchaur, aathmile, devisthan, kisandol,Jitpur ward 3 and Dhital gaun. Altogether there are 134 women who had got this training in Jitpurphedi. As this lesson is effective and necessary, VIN will continue this class in this week too.
These women are enthusiastically participating in the trainings, programs which help them to be empowered. They want to create their own identity in the community. You can also help them as other international volunteers. You can get involved in women’s empowerment projects such as Education, Rights and Life skills , Microcredit cooperative, Income generation and Marketing as a volunteer or as a intern.