VIN values its staffs the most as staffs have made VIN successful in its every programs. VIN has not only empowered the staffs regarding the programs, it also enhances its staff’s skills in various area. It provides different training opportunity to its staffs. In the same context, VIN today organized photography training for its staffs. The photography training was provided by international volunteers in VIN Vilamot Axel and Tom Bauger. The photography training was attended by all the staffs of VIN.
The training was organized with the aim of helping the VIN staffs to capture all the important moments that come along while conducting its programs and projects. The photography training was a basic photography class for the staffs. VIN provides camera to all of its staffs and had the photography skill. VIN intended to enhance the skill even more and thus provided the photography training. The training included the important aspects of photography i.e. light and speed. Capturing a good photo highly depends on these two aspects. The staffs were trained on how the light and speed can be balanced in photography. The staffs learned on how an impactful photo can be captured with this balancing skill.
Besides, the photography training also have been beneficial for the staffs on learning the photo composition. The rule of third, leading line and framing were the composition that were taught in the training. In order to make sure all the trainees understood the composition rule, the trainers made the session an interactive one. Along with the staffs, the photography training was attended by the local volunteers as well.