27th April, 2014: .VIN is preparing detail documents of about 100 sponsored children from Jitpur community, Orphanage, Okhaldhunga to send to the sponsors from various part of the world. The children are also busy preparing letters, greeting cards to send to their sponsor. Sponsors receive Intake documents which includes, letter, photos, greetings etc thrice a year. In each intake different sort of information along with children’s necessity is sent to the sponsors .This month VIN will be sending April Intake documents which includes the children’s yearly educational progress, photos as well as request letter to continue their sponsorship etc.
Hence, these intake communication and exchange of letters contribute to establish the close relationship between the sponsors and the children. Also, the sponsors will be able to know about their children’s situation and progress. So sponsors can provide help or support to the children in a continuous way. VIN will provide the intake document up to 2014, May 10 to the sponsors.
You can participate in our children’s development program such as Childcare: Orphanage home, Early Childhood Education, Children’s club facilitation and working for street children. You can also sponsor a destitute child and help to achieve their dream to pursue quality education.