VIN has implemented different type of income generation activities in Jitpurhedi community. On 19th April 2016 VIN has started knitting project with nine women in Jitpur community of Jitpurphedi. Its main objectives are to empower women by income generation activities such as knitting, crochet, hand craft work etc. There were different type of activities were done like; start to teach crochet with basics for beginners, keeping on with the basics ,keeping on with crochet basics and starting knitting, how to make bracelets necklace. Different type of knitting process are given below.
Crochet basics process:
KNITTING BASICS: knitting stitch
Garter stitch
VIN has plan to teach crochet and knitting the women just know the first basic, they are not yet able to make a product as scarf or pouch but it think if they practice more and motivation, they could do something like that. They also need material like crochet stick, wool, needles, thread if they want to do more progress and real products.
The women are for few of them really interested by this project, I could see the progress in few days but it is not enough for them to be able to achieve a product, they need time and a lot of motivation specially for knitting and crochet. They expressed that handicraft’s market was not good so they don’t want to more product.
Some of them are more able to do it so they can also teach the other who have more difficulties. There was good co-ordination with each others. If VIN can manage product’s market, they will be more motivation. They need more training and advance design.